Schipper Academie: Business English
31 mei 2016
Kennis is één van onze kernwaarden. Kennis betekent dat we beschikken over deskundige medewerkers. Deze medewerkers blijven zich ontwikkelen, zodat wij alle beschikbare kennis optimaal voor u in kunnen zetten. Kennis is er om te delen en in ons geval heeft dit alleen waarde als onze relaties er ook wijzer van kunnen worden.
Zakendoen wordt steeds internationaler in een steeds kleiner wordende wereld. Daarom organiseerden wij voor onze medewerkers een cursus Engels onder de vlag van de Schipper Academie. Onze Amerikaans/Nederlandse docente Angela deed dit met zoveel toewijding, dat we besloten om onze klanten ook een cursus aan te bieden om hun Engels aan te scherpen.
Een mooie groep klanten schreef zich in en deze mensen hebben twaalf weken lang fanatiek deelgenomen aan de cursus van Angela. Op 24 mei mochten we dan ook alle deelnemers het certificaat van de Schipper Academie overhandigen.
Namens Angela
Every Tuesday evening for the past 12 weeks I have had the privilege of facilitating a business English language course for several of Schipper Techkniek’s most valued customers and employees. This course was part of a series of classes, courses and learning experiences that Schipper Techniek offers on a regular basis, at its in house education platform “De Schipper Academie”.
Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.
Henri Ford
Anyone who has ever studied while working a full time job will tell you how exhausting it can be, especially after a busy, stressful, or hectic day on the job. Most people will also tell you that you have to pull energy from places you didn’t know you had in order to meet your goals, and it’s all true.
It was Henry Ford who said that “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.” Thus, I say congratulations to all the participants who are still young in spirit! Congratulations to those that showed up for every class wearing their enthusiasm on their sleeve, eager to learn and eager to put into practice all that was taught. I say congratulations to those who were enthusiastic, but after a long day could not find the energy to express it. And I say congratulations to those that chose simply to be present and listen. All of you, whether consciously or subconsciously contributed to your own success as well as that of the entire class. Thank you!